Thursday, July 7, 2011

Being injured in this abadina duhkhaprakasa

Chief whip of the opposition during the days before this latest abadina expressed dismay at the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. He said, 'the opposition chief whip of the party injured, we're sorry. It will be a member of the opposition here, I hope it did. Opposition chief whip, I had inquiries about the treatment nicchi. Closing speech for the ninth session of parliament the prime minister said Thursday. Sheikh Hasina, the chief whip of the opposition has an accident occurs. In case I'm really sorry. The stone itself is a member of Parliament by bhanacura chure do, do not the police beat, it did not expect. " The Prime Minister said, 'It happened after that, I'm sorry for her. I get inquiries about his treatment rakhachi.
Members of Parliament from the beautiful and the people are expected to behave. " Parliament and the Prime Minister said that this historic adhibesanake, unconstitutional power grab by the way is not. Revision of the Constitution through a people that owned all of them. 'He said,' Home of the unconstitutional way to ban people forever, we'd even released. "He said, 'We can not change people's myanadeta peyei enechi. Srstikartara constitution to remove the name of the group that has been some confusion dharmabhittika characche, the Prime Minister said in his response, "catch people's feelings on the subject rastradharma bisamillaha and has been employed. Some of the groups, but the name has been withdrawn and jikira summoned us. "He said, 'God could not NEWS bisamillahira rahamanira rahimera I find it? He is hudaye. God could not get through onara onadera hudaye you? "He said, the Constitution ensures the right of all religions. To display the portrait of the nation's constitution, said that Sheikh Hasina, leader of a country that has, will have his picture, that's what we have. " Amendment to the Constitution at the time of the last government, the Prime Minister added that the obligation to be hanging by the Prime Minister said, 'That's the picture hanging on the executive adesei. I do not want to become prime minister, change my image. No need. Constitution of the historic March satai speech, see Declaration of Independence and the Constitution to include the declaration of independence, the Prime Minister said that the show was 75-of distorting history, it will be closed forever. " Revision of the Constitution on behalf of the Prime Minister has said, 'Rising Supreme Court, handed over the responsibility of the elected delegates to another. The combination of a fixed constitution. Criticism of Prime Minister Khaleda said, 'You can not get into the business. On the other hand, watching out for their own organization. How do people cheat? It also does not share the prevailing situation in the U.S.. Complaints in the case of the grenade attack on 1 August, the Prime Minister said, 'Judge O'Meara wanted more organize. Reports came out to investigate this mystery now apapracarera.

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